Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning!

This is Elara on Christmas morning!The first thing she did was eat the rest of Santa's cookie.

She was an explosion of Pink, Ruffles and Necklaces!

It was so adorable.

She got a little tea set that sings and talks. Of course she loved it!

I got the best gift ever this year, Johnny got me a "Craft Workstation"! It is the Mikael Desk,

The Mikael Drawer set,

And then He thought of putting little hooks on each side of the desk to hang my project bags from. Isn't he a thinker!

He also is putting a little lamp on the wall above the desk and he bought a power strip for it and everything! He is going to go build it all for me this week and then I will have a place for my sewing machine to live and to keep all my craft stuffs. I'm really so excited!

Johnny got a lot of stuff he really liked to, a D&D Book, a new electric shaver, a new robe, and all his favorite snacks. He also got the new Mario game for the Wii, and matching jammies. We all got exactly what we wanted! It was such a great Christmas!

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