Here is the scarf for Johnny. It is the Seaman's Scarf (hee hee) from Knitpicks. I'm using Patons Shetland Chunky in Black... Johnny doesn't like colors.It is an acrylic wool blend and really soft. But the cable pattern is kinda different and threw me for a loop at first.
I also made the Star Crossed Slouchy Beret. I made it as a Christmas present for my brother's girlfriend. I hope she likes Orange... I used Red Heart Soft that I bought to make a baby blanket about 600 years ago and never made. Oops. I learned how to knit in the round o this one! It used to be so intimidating for years!! I used the Magic Loop method and it was so easy! I love knitting in the round now!

I still need to block it, but I only have square plates...I'm going to have to figure something out.
Then I made the 4th scarf/shawl for my Granny. I have made her 3 different scarves over the years, all lovely lace scarves out of really delicate pure wool fingering yarns. But the moment they are done one of the cats attacks the crap out of them and I have to start over! This time I did the Sunday Market Shawl but made some modifications.

This is my project bag!
It is the first thing, other than the Halloween costumes, that I have sewed that I use. I used this pattern. I did add one large pocket on one side that will hold a pattern folded in quarters, a small pair of scissors and a crochet hook to help with my cables. I don't know where all my real cable needles went.

After that I made up my own pattern for a crochet hook holder. It turned out kinda wonky but it des exectly what I need it to! I love that blue fabric and the ribbon.

I think that maybe I should just blog about all this stuff as I do it. then I wouldn't have to do massive posts like this.
I might have a round plate I can lend you. Or you could just make a square beret. That would be awesome.
Val forced me to take one home last night! But thank you!
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