It is a Baby Rasha Love Tent!!!! (Sorry, long story about an old room mate. It has spawned a bathroom design, and now a baby nook. What next!)

I could totally figure out how to make the frame, I have used pvc pipe to make things before. And now that I have a sewing machine the curtains and things would be no problem at all!

The only problem is that we live with my in-laws and I'm not sure how they would feel about something like this in their basement... Maybe I'll just have to make it and then find out what they think.

Because Elara Totally NEEDS one!
P.S. It needs one of these in it too.
I think I might need one too. Only bigger, because I'm not a baby. That's way too freeking awesome!
Isn't it? I just need to find a place it could go. maybe where the slot machine is...
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